The staff is equipped with approved personal protection elements (EPis) and receive training on cleaning and personal hygiene, before, during and after their working day to minimize risks.
You can ask our staff about it for questions.
Detail of Sanitary Measures :
- Mandatory use of approved PPE.
- Continuous cleaning of critical areas
- Cleaning and disinfection with homologated bactericides
- Selection of certified suppliers
- Extension of hours of air treatment through extraction system
- Disinfectant hydrogel dispensers
- Protective screens in reception
- Disinfection protocol in Reception
- Protocol to follow in case of contagion
- Specific protocol for personal hygiene and safety
- Ozonation of rooms according to current regulations
- Room marking as hygienically guaranteed
- Reduction of decorative and accessory elements in the rooms
- The use of masks in common areas where a safety distance of 2 meters cannot be maintained.
- The use of hydroalcoholic gels. Existence of dispensers in all access areas
- Access to the elevator individually, except for family units.
If you are coming now for business, contact us to benefit from our special rates. It is time to support each other.
Do you have an existing reservation for these dates? Do you have doubts with your reservation? Do not hesitate
to contact us to find out about the options.
Estimated date of full opening on June 22 (this date may vary)
Office hours (minimum services): Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Contact: +34 943 31 60 80 /
**We are well aware that the COVID-19 pandemic and the response from government and health authorities are constantly changing and developing. Please note that the information contained in this document is therefore subject to modifications over time.